Day 3 at Lotus

Dear parents,

To recap Day 2, students had a blast rafting yesterday.  We finished the day with a few worship songs and a devotional by the campfire. 

It is Day 3 now.  We all slept well and woke up in time for a warm breakfast. We then had a quiet time by the river with a prompt to reflect individually on how God designed us and the things we take for granted.  

In the morning, we were divided into several different groups to (1) build a big tent for a boat, (2) clean up the camp ground by picking up branches and burning them, (3) secure a tarp, (4) remove an oak tree that was blocking a pathway and more. 

Students are serving wholeheartedly and are representing Christ and TKA very well. We truly appreciate your prayers too!

Enjoy the photos/a video from last night and this morning. Unfortunately, there are no footages from rafting because no phones were allowed.  Also, fyi, almost all student phones are dead by now since there are no charging stations for students in case you are trying to reach them. 

Thank you and I will come back with another update tomorrow!

Alex Park


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