Rafting and More! (Part 1)


Today we had two teams working hard with great attitudes! One team went rafting and everyone came back safely! It was cold, but they did it. They recovered interesting items as they cleaned the river, including a grill, a dog bed, part of a kayak, two jackets, multiple golfballs, and a paddle. They gathered trash, and then they actually saw a picnic table up in the trees, which tells you how high the water was this season!

The other team went to Christian Encounter Ranch where they helped clear the trail by raking and gathering branches in preparation for a 5k race! Students also uprooted, pruned, and cleared blackberry bushes along the trail. We also burned brush and wood. Christian Encounter Ranch is where students who have difficult backgrounds can stay 9 months to 2 years to get an education, counseling, and training for vocational jobs. 

Tomorrow, the other team will raft and pick up trash while the other team goes to Cold Springs Church in Placerville to help out. 

Click here to see Day 4 photos


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