Day 4 at Lotus
Dear Parents, Good morning! To follow up and update you on what students did after lunch yesterday, Day 3, students continued cleaning up the campground by raking the dried leaves. Then they gave students a long break until dinner which students appreciated. After dinner, we had a time of worship and devotional. The rain was the only hiccup we had last night. The rain crept into one tent a little more than others due to the amount of rain and the design of the tent, but we all slept through the night alright. It is our Day 4 at the camp. Today a small group stayed behind to work at the Rock N Water site while most of us came to the Placer Height Baptist Church to lend help. We are divided into groups of 6 to clean out planters and put in new bark move cans of paint out of the shed trim back vegetation pick up leaves put back fence deciders cut back bush at back gate replace painted vents clean baptismal tub and distribute Easter ba...
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